Ever since Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar bagged the film Laxmii, there has been a lot of hue and cry. A major actor in the country playing a transgender and by doing so, representing the entire community has been the USP of the film. But it seems that it badly failed at what it was supposed to convey.
A remake of Tamil film Kanchana directed by Kanchana Lawrence, Laxmii released on Disney+ Hotstar. That’s the major marketing mistake the producers made. The OTT audience has pretty good taste and is not exactly going to enjoy a bizarre commercial plot. Had Laxmii released on theatres, the responses might have been divided.
Laxmii is a horror comedy and horror involves superstition which the entire movie is drenched with but imbibing the beliefs of transgender kind of stereotypes them.
The film portrays transgender as saree clad, clapping, rowdy, overtly emotional, less educated individual who strongly preaches superstition with mentions of curses, boons, and horror element.
It indeed tries to shift the focus to the upliftment of transgenders but fails to provide justice to the entire community. You see there is a lot of variety of trans and portraying them as clapping beggars is actually demeaning.
Moreover, the screen time given to the trans character is pretty less. Opposed to Akshay, Sharad Kelkar who plays the real Laxmii completely nailed his character. He is the only substantial character in the entire plot.
Akshay tried to redo his character in Bhool Bhulaiya which he probably considered a hit formula and in turn spoilt the true essence of the film.
Moreover, there’s a dialogue in the film when Akshay says that he will wear bangles if someone proves to him or if he sees that there’s a ghost for real. That totally sounds misogynistic and hits women hard.
Kiara Advani was not impressive as well. I have personally never liked her roles though her debut was highly acclaimed.
The music, the story, direction, acting, everything was a failure except for the part of Kelkar.
Save yourself from watching it unless you enjoy watching commercial films and are a fan of Akshay.